Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Somber Moment

September 11th, 2001 is a day those of us old enough to remember, will never forget. I remember vividly hearing my phone ring at 6:30ish AM(we lived on the West Coast). I remember thinking, "Who on earth is calling us at THIS hour? I hope the phone doesn't wake the baby." Dave answered the phone and all I hear is "WHAT? Honey, turn the TV on now. A plane crashed into one of the Twin Towers in NYC." I Jumped out of bed and turned on the television. What I saw, horrified me in ways I cannot describe. I am sure, for most of you reading this, I do not need to describe that horror because you too, know why I was horrified.

We moved to the living room and continued to watch the footage of this horrific event. We watched in complete shock as the second plane hit the second tower. I think at that moment we knew we were under attack. At first, I don't think we truly knew what was really happening until that second plane came barrelling towards the second tower. We could not deny it at that point, this was not an accident. Soon after that, we heard about the plane that hit the Pentagon followed by the plane that the courageous passengers helped take down in the field in Pennsylvania. I don't think any of us ever thought ANYTHING like that could happen on American soil. After all, we weren't at war! That day, as a nation we mourned for those lost and prayed for the families who directly affected by those attacks. I don't think any of us in the United States could understand why on earth this was happening.

I remember the silent skies. What an eerie feeling that was. I remember watchig the news and wanting to know WHO did this and why. It was surreal, to be honest. To this day, I am tearful as I remember watching the live footage. It took years for me to get to the point of being able to watch the video footage. I was thousands of miles away from NYC and by simply watching the footage, I was deeply and profoundly affected by what had happened. I still tear up when I watch the footage or hear stories of survivors and from family members of those lost. I cannot begin to imagine how they must feel today.

God Bless America! I am proud to live in such a wonderful land. I know we are blessed to live here and to have the freedoms we do. Let us never forget, 09/11/2001.


Sarai said...

Those two videos are very moving. I have to admit they made me cry
:( It's funny though how some of us do forget. I had to look at the calendar to see what day today was, a day later, Sept 12th. I didn't know what day yesteday was. But thanks for reminding us.

Angie said...

Thank you Sarai. I agree, they are moving and make me cry too!