Friday, March 13, 2009

Long time no write!

This will be a very quick update since I need to get back to bed. No one likes a grumpy mommy, especially my kids and husband! :)

Anyway, the new year has been a series of ups and downs. The biggest down was Dave losing his job in mid January! Thankfully, we are now beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel and he is working a temp job for the next 2 weeks. We're hoping when this job ends, it won't be long before he is back to work full time. One can hope, right??

At the end of January, Ice Princess once again competed and did very well! She came in 2nd place out of 7 girls!! She was so pleased with herself and we were very proud of her!

A month ago, Dave gave me a scare. He passed out on me and was out of it. After trying for a few minutes to get more then a grunt or a "huh?" outo f him, I called 911. I honestly did not know what was going on and I was terrified! Somehow, I managed to keep my cool and keep the panic level low for the kids. Once the medics had him on a gurney and out the door, I started to panic a bit. Thankfully, I have great neighbors who came and gathered my children and helped me get to the hospital. After 2 weeks of being extremely dizzy and having many tests ranm We found out Dave has pre-diabetes. Now he takes the steps needed to stop it from going into full blown diabetes. I have since told Dave he is NEVER allowed to pass out and do that to me EVER again!

February 28th, Speed Racer was baptised! He was so excited and looked very handsome too! He was glowing that day and seemed very proud of his choice to be baptised. It was a bittersweet day for me as I realized my "baby" was getting baptised! *sh=niff* they grow up much too quickly, don't they?

I also could not help but imagine what our life would be like had I been able to carry Ice Princess and Little Warrior longer. There are many days when I long to see all 4 of my children together. My husband baptised all 3 of my living children and my father in law confirmed them. What would it have been like to see all 4 of my babies baptised and confirmed by their father and grandfather? What would it have been like to have raised my twins together? What kinds of challenges would I have faced as a mother of growing twins?? None of these thoughts matter, because there is nothing I can do to change what has happened. Instead, I live with another set of challenges and to be honest, I am grateful for those challenges. I may not understand the WHYS when I am in the midst of a new challenge, but in the end there is always a lesson to be learned from that challenge. Sometimes I see the lesson right away but it often takes some time before I see the hidden lesson. No matter what, I have come to understand that we are here for a reason and Heavenly Father has a plan for us. We may not understand why bad things happen, but when I am in the midst of my "Why me?" moments, I have to take a few steps back and say. "Why NOT me?" I'm no more immune to the "bad" then anyone else is. Sometimes that can be a hard pill to swallow!

Now that I am done with my tangent, I will get back to my update. :) March second, my Aunt was here for a 6 day visit! We had a GREAT time. I hadn't seen her in nearly 2 years and it was wonderful having her here and visiting with her. Not to mention, she got to see my house at it's best(NOT!). Still, I think even in the midst of our disorganization she had a great time. I am certain she chuckled some when she saw the giant wad of dried paper towel stuck to Speedracer's wall! I had sent him to wash his walls and little did I know that a wad of paper was LEFT on his closet wall! You can imagine my horror when I discovered this and realized that our family who had been here for Speedracer's baptism had also seen his lovely decor. AAACCCKKK.
Thankfully they still love us! :)

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